Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

what theGofFel makes manifefl, 645 Í., Ito. But i new made manifefl by the appearing of our Savi- our Jefus Chrifl, who hath.aboli fhcd death, and bath brought life immortality ns to light through the Gofpel. It is the Go pel that brings life and immortallity CO light, fo people that have not been accountedwith the Gofpel , what know they of the glorious things of heáven, and of eternal life, it is the Go ?pel that brings life and immortality , the main and principal thing of the Gofpel that it makes manifeft, it is the way of media- tion, a Mediator between God and man, how God bath recon- ciled the word to himfelf ; there are glorious myfteries for the foul to behold that great way of making God, and man one, Chritt building up the vaft breach that before was made be- tween God and man, itis all in Chrift,thlt all our good comes by a Mediator,who could ever have known this but by the Mi- nifary of the Gofpel revealed? yea that God bath filled Jeïus Chrit+, God man with all good, and he refelves that nor one drop of his infinite goodnefs in order to eternal life (hall be given to any of, the children of men , but through- Chrift;here is that interefl manifefted , that the world could never have known,but.this the Gospel doth difcover, yea it doth difcover the right way to worship God , if we be, left to our own thoughts we wander infinitely out of the way , the greater. light God made to rule the day , and the leffer to rule the night ; the Gofpel that is the greater light to difcover fpiritual things, and the things of Gods worship ; now humane nature may rule the light of the night, had not you lived under the preaching of the Gofpel, what would you have known of the fecond Covenant that God hash madewith mankind , and this light of the Gofpel is that that brings in comfort to the heart, the heart never knew what true comfort,nleant till the Gofpel came, john R. t a. Then fpake refits again unto them, laying, I' am the light of the world, he that followeth me (hall not wall, to darinefs, hut fhall have the light of life. It is light that path a quickping power that goeth along with it, humane learning it is like the lighting up of candles and torches, there is a light, but not the light of life, but the Gofpel is the light of life it brings life to the foul, it is a light that enlightens the blind eyes,.