Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

6'46 ghat this light is. eyes, if'a man be blind and the Sun (lines on his eyes , it can never take away the blindnefs of his eyes, but the Gofpel -then it fhines oa chore that be blind , is takes away their blindnefs that is on them , there is the power in this light that takes away their blindnefs,and this is a light that goeth beyor d the eye, and shines in the heart, 2C'or. 4.6. For God who coat- manded the light,to thine out ofdarknefs,hath filmed in ourhearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Ghrif .it goeth beyond the eys,ic goeth beyond the head, st. goeth into the head, it is a transforming lightt, it transforms them into the fame image,itis a light that makes thofe that were darknefs to be light it f if , ye were once darknefs, but now ye are light, it is an encreafing light , it increafeth according' to the times and ages of the Gofpel, all is not let out at once, but by degrees and fo increafeth in the foul where it comes, and it is atieverlallìng light, it is the very beginning of the light of glory, it is impofible that you can conceive it till you fee ir, if one fhouldfpeak to blind men and make to them o- rations about light, is it p)caible for a man that never law the light , to know what the light means ? he cannot conceive of the excellency of it until(' he fees it , fó we may tell you of the Gofpel what light it is, but till you cone to -lee it your felves you are never able to under( }and ir, nor to know the ex- cellency of it,this light of the Gofpel,it is the way of Cod not . to convey it but by the Minitiers of the Gofpel, Minitiers are the light of the world, fo that here is the work of the Mini- fiers of the Golpel,faith Chrifi , all the glorious counfells -of -my father are made known to me and hid in nie, faith he, I fend you abroad to go and preach thefe things co the world , that they may come to know them,this is the work of theMini- -liry of the Gofpel,rhough Iehn was that primitive lighr,ioh. ç. 35. He was a burning- and a fhining light , and ye were willing Au`Xo for a feafon to rejoyee in this light. The Minitiers of the Gof- Zace na (cili_ el if they be they ought to be they are shining and ref eximle Y as Y dT Jengularir, - urning lights, or as the Greek fignifes that lamp burning and cornel.Alap. shining, where ever they come they fhould (d pine in their do- aline be burning in their converfattons,by do iris e;and life they