Miniflers fhouldlabor to be full of light. they tliould hold forth the light of the Go`.'pel wherever they come, ALE 26. t 8.7"o apex their gers and turn them from darknefs to light, and from the power of Saran unto God,that they may re- eeiye fergivenefs of fins, and an inheritance among them wh:ch4 are fanflrfîed by tàith that is in me. Here is the end of the Miniftry to open mens eyes to tiun them from darknefs to light ; That which is called darknefs in the fi.ft, is called the power o: Satan in the fecond claufe for the divel having and holding a ignorance, holds him in his power; it is the Gofpel that brings in the day of grace and falvation in the Min.(try of it, according to what degree the preaching of the Gofpel comes to any place, fo the day of grace and falva- tion comes ro that place , and as God takes that away, fo he takes away the days of grace and falvation, 2 Cor. 6, 2. He faith, I have heard thee to a time accepted, and in the day offal- vation have I fuccoured thee ; behold now is the aceepsedtime, behold now is the day offalvation. The meaning of the Apo( }le is this , that now you corne to have and injoy the Minifl,ry of reconciliation, now is the accepting time,rhe day of falvation,- verf. 19. of the former Chapter , to wit, that God was in Chriít, reconcilingthe world to himfelf , nor imputing their tr¢fpaiTes un_o them, and bath committed unto us the word) of reconciliation. Nov doth the Sun rife, the night is pail', and the day is come, when God fends a faithful Minifter to any place,there God fends light to that place, then the light of the Gofpel breaks forth there,now is the day of grace and fal- vation come,as long asGod continues the light of theMini(tery of the Gofpel, fo long doth the day of grace and falvation con- tinue,but when that is taken`away; then the Sun is fet:You are the light of the world,e have this light in earthenpitchers,but there is the lamp of the light of the knowledge of God that chines in then. The application might be very rare if I had to fpeak to an °t, lifer T ®: Auditory of Minifters, I should tell' them how it doth con- $t art® bo cern them to be full of light thenìfelves, full of knowledge in b . the Myftery of falvation, that fo when he conies to preach he li ht, may come with the_lufter of the.Cofpel,it may fhina on them, _ 8 647