Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

Faithful Mimrfiers bath the providence of God over them. he may come to there as'Iktofr cane ro the mount with his face mining, fo come 'with his light fhining, and feaster the beams to the . fouls %vhe'reever .he comes that tome fot.ls may biefs God for that light that is dar- ted into fuch afoul , and his work thou ld be. to communicate light to his people, the whole counfel of God and not to re- f-train any thing that may give light to others. Iohn was a burning light, and yet he confumed himfelf; fo Miniíters fhould spend themfelves, and thould lay out themfelves to give light to others , he fhottld pitty poor fouls that fit in darknels and in the shadow of death,he should confider what a great work he is fent for to do, that he íhould carry light to thofe poor fouls that fit in darknefs, the Miniíters of God thould have their IM iiniltry full of light; let them take heed then of mixing any thing of their own.humane invention, and the like; force men when they cone to preach, they will have fine mixture of their own humane invention ; the more of humane invention is mixt with preaching, it makes it give the lefs light, the fimplicity oftheGofpel, and the purity of the Gofpel it is that lets in light to the foul , a Minifter fhot:ld take heed that he doth not vent his own pa(fion. Again further, hence is the fpecial providence of God over them, if they be faithful, if they be fo they may exile& a fpe- cial providence of God over them to preferve their lives and to prelerve them in their ways, becaufe they are light, Rev.'. 16. And he had in.Its right hand feven Stars, and out of his month went a fharpe two edged foord, and his countenance was as the Sun fhineth in his f rength : They cannot be plucked out nor fall , for Chrift holds them in his right hand, fo long as Chrift would. have lightto Thine in ány place he Both let out fame Star or other to them to give light ; and others they thine to people but as the fnufté of a candle in the focket of a candleftick, they had light in their youth , but now they have drowned thofe excellent parts that formerly they had, they hm drowned them in fenfual lufts and delights of the flefl,. Further, They thould rejoyce in the knowledge that the people get, God forbid that Minifters 4,ould veì "'It- the pco- le