Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

,;tes we erre to make of the Ikti ifiry of the Gofpel. 649 pie that they have found knowledge, fo Minders lhould be like light;light thines on dunghils,and doh not defile it felfc ; fo Minitiers in places fhould labour to doe good to all , and to the wort"( of all, and to fute him elfewith them , but not fo farre as to defile hitnfelfe ; if a Minifter converfeth with any, it is to aline on them, take. heed therefo:e of being defiled with their converfation. Learne to prize the Miniftery of the Gofpel , becaufe it is a Life, To the that that is the light of the world, and they bring the light of people, To God unto you, blelte God that ever the Gofpel hach come p`'ze the Mi amongfi you, that ever God was pleafed in mercy to look on.niiterp° you in your generation ; As if he should fay , though I have left many generations to perish for want of che light of the Gdfpei; yet this generation fhali have the light of the Co- fpel ; though there are many that feeke to blow out the lights, yet, faith God, I will keep thefe lights in my right hand, for why I have the number of mine elecì: ones. So long as Cod keeps the light of the Gofpel amongft them, it is a ligne that God hath good for them, be willinz, to maintains the charge ;the light, is there any man in the world that know- eth what it is to fee the light, he would rather give ten thou- fand pound , then to be without the light. In Chryfofhmes time, the good people t hat lived in them, were fo affected with the light of the Gofpel that Chryfofiome preached to chrvfo(foroter them, that they profeffed it were better for the Sunne to iini[lety he ®- withdraw her beanies,_ then the mouth of John Chr }foyiome.to loved with be f}opt. obn was a burning and alining light, therefore pre- the people. cious, and therefore Hlerod. needed not have flood fo -upon his oath, he might have Paved Johns head, for his oath was that he would give to the halfe of his kin dome ; but when The asked the head of John the Baptift, he was fad, he:would not reje& her for his oaths fake ; wee ould account the light a migh- ty bleffing. Now fuppofe we that live in thefe parts of the world, that never had feeke, the light of the Sunne in all our dayes, if fo be that the time that God appointed the Sunne to come, fhould have been at this time, and wee ihou.ld have feene the Sunne rifino in its glory and beauty, how.fbould we O 6 6 'ó, have