Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

S u fes we are to'tàl e of the fry ofthe Cofpete have been amazed at it, but we feeing the Sunne ..every day, therefore we prize it nor, and fo we prize not the Minilfery, becaufe it is fo ordinary amongfi us, and fo common, but if tt <.were not fo .common amongli us, we ihauld prize ir more ; the light of the Gofpel we fhould rejoyce at ir, what an altera- tion would it make in our hearts, if wee prized it as we ought to doe, the enjoyment of the Gofpel it recompenceth änß af- -flieion whatfoever, I will give you an, excellent Scripture for that in flead of all, in the 30 Chap. of Ifaiah, 20, 2 r verfes, /nd though the Lord give you the bread of adverf:ty, and the water of a, f f tllion, yet (hall not thy teachers be removed into a Berner any more, but thine eyes Ball fce thy teachers. And thine ,cares fhall heare a word behind thee, f aying ; This tom' t!: e way, .walke ye in it,when ye turne to the right hand,and when ye tune to the left. Although faith he, the Lord fhail dive- you the bread of affliction, and the water of atflic-lion,is there any thing can recompence this ? yes there is fomewhat that can recom- pence this, although he gives this, yet your teachers ¡hall be ,removed into the corners no more, you Email have them that fhall convey the Miniftery of the Gofpel unto you. Now the putting out of our lights is not fo much in the power of proud men as heretofore, but the Lord hath delivered us from ti ?ein., this is a mercy to be prized, and we should be willing to en- cdu're forne trouble that wee.might have light , we love light.,- 'fottie houfes, we are loth to live in dengeons and dark houles, if you would have light, you muff endure foine trouble by breaking the walls for a window for to let in force light, but he is loth to endure trouble, and fo fits in darknef, you would account this man to be foolilh, ; if a child feeth his father breaking a place in the wall, the child wondret_h what his fa- ' .ther doth, but the father is Willing to endure trouble for to have light thereby ; there bath been a great deale of trouble and difquiet in our Ringdome, as if irhad been a breaking in peicee, but we hope it is but for the letting in of light, nay there is now a great dale -of. errour prevailes more then e- 'ier, for the Devil! envies at the light of the Gofpel, and he raifeth out of the bóttom of the. pit fumes and foggs and :miffs, he