vfer we are to make of the Min fi`ryof theGofper.' SS he labours to raife them for to put out the light's , though you fee a great deale of fmother and fmoke come out of chimneys, which feen,es to darken the Sunne a little while, but it can- not put out the Sunne, ftay: but a while and you {hall fee the Sunne thine bright, be patienr and quiet, notwithilanding the fmother and fmoke of many errours and'hereiies that abound. doe make, yet the light of the Gofpel loth tine and will pre- vaile more and more, even to the day of ]efus Chrift. The . fire when it is firft kindled makes a great fmoke, but when the fire is well, kindled, then the fmoke, is gone, the Lord is kind- ling a great light, and there is a fmoake for the prefent, but let not that fo offend you, as not to pri e that ggoriousli ,htaof the Gofpel, as now you have and doe injoy. When any faith' full Minifter is taken away from a place,that place is darkned, if theLord doth not fupply that place. 0 'oo í) 3 SERMON-