The nece fity of the Gofpel. light and our eyes, let us never be farisfied till we come to have the glorious light of the Gofpel on our hearts Lord'thou hait faid that thy Gofpel is light , when lliall that light 4úne into my heart ? And further, walk in the light when you have it. John g Chap. 3 3 verfe. They anJwered him,` Wee be Abrahams feed, and were never in bondage to any man how fayeJe' thou, ye (hail be made .? Let us all encourage one another to goe to the houfe of the Lord, and refolve to walke in the light of the Lord. Ifaiah, 2 Chap. 5 verfe. O houfe of -Jacob, come ye, and let us walke in the light of the Lord. When ever you come to heare the Miniflery of the Gofpel preached, re- iolve thus with thy felfe, Lord I come to receive light into foule, and I am refolved to walke in that light that atótï !halt let forth to my foule, it is time to arife while the light of the Gofpel ihines on us. Ifaiah 6o Chap. beginning,Arife, Thine, for the light ù come, and the glory of the Lord is rifen op- en thee. For beheld the darknefs (hall cover the Earth,and greffe darkrrefs the, people, but the Lord fhalf arife upon thee , and hie glory !hall be feene upon thee. And the Gentiles (hall come to thy light, and Kings to the brightnefs of thy riling. Now thou haft not this light allotted thee that thou mayefl play by, but meerely to work' by, and to work for thy Joule too, and know, that the worke we have all here to doe in this world, it is of infinite éonfequence and infinite concernment and value, therefore we had need make ufe of the light while we have it, it were better ten thoufand times that thou never hadil beenborn, then that the light íhould be gone, and thy worke not done. Let us prize our light, and walke in i:, and know, that the worke that God fetteth us about here in the world, it is an exact work, a work that mull be exactly done, of that great work of making our peace with God for eternitie. A man by twilight may be able to doe force muzling work that he need not be exa& in, but if it be a worke that ive muff be exac`l in, then We need great light to doe it in. Now the work that we have to doe in reference to God concerning our eter- nall eílares, it is an exact work, therefo e we have need of great light, therefore walke in the light. And there be many dan- 653