Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

6 54. The, necefty of this light, dangers in our way, many by- wayes, that'we are like to be drawne into, therefore walke by light, and our time is but lit- tle, that we have for our worke ; the time we have to provide for eternitie, it is but little, uncertaine and fhort, therefore. we had need make ufe of the light. Againe , Every flep that we goa in darknefs,, it is out of the way, every flep that thou hail gone in thy way towards heaven before the light of the Co!'pel.comes unto thee; thou hall bewildred thy felfe, thou hail gone amiffe, and gone fo much out of the way ; there will be no fuch comfort to thee on thy lick -bed, as to thofe who have walked in the light, and made ufe of the light to doe their work by; therefore thofe are rebuked from hence, that are fofarre from walking in it, that they are oppofite to it though the light be never fuch a fweete thing, yet it is not good to fore eyes; thofe adulterous guilty perfons, thofe that love the work of darknefs, the wayes of fin, they care not for the light, becaufe the light will difco- ver them, and make knowne both them and their bafenefs,, therefore it is that they love darknefs , the light fcorcheth them. some people at the riling of the Sun it fcorcherh them, and then they fhoote Darts at it , and curie the Sun; fo this light it will bring fco! ching to the confciences of many men men that are diflra&îed doe not love the light ; feeble men in their ficknefs they mull have the light kept off from them ; fo it is a liigne of a feeble fpirit in men, that cannot endure light, fo it is with men that love to fatisfie the lull of the flelh,or ra- ther the wiles of the flefh, they would goe on in a fecure way, and would faine have the light put ont ; it is a dangerous thing for men to fin againfl the light. As it is faid in the book- of Sob, the i o Chap. and the 22 verse. Before Igoe, whence I fha11 noì returner even to the land of darl¿nefs, and the fhadow of death. Oland of darknefs as darknefs it felfe, and of the fhadew of death, without any order, and where the light is as darknef The light is as darknefs unto them ; there are many that doe Phut their eyes againfl the light, though it dazles on them., the Lord caufeth his truths to dazle on their fpirits, and they fl,ut their eyes agáinfl it,, and tome from ir,,there you fTrut your eye;