Some things to: be con fzdered about rebellion akUnf# light, 655 eyes agaitli+ it. 7ob, 24 Chap. i 3 verfe. 7hey.are of thofe that rebel( againft the light, they knew net the wages thereof , nor a- bide in the loathes thereof. Thefe are of them that rebell again(I the light, that this Scripture may not be verified of many of you, take heed that thy confcience be not forced to take this Scripture and make it thine owne ; this is the man, this is the woman, that rebelleth againft the light ; the Lord bath caufed them to come and live in the places where the light of the Golpel is made knowne in a glorious manner, and they doe not onely turne from it, but the light follows them, and they run away from it ; when you rebelt again[} light, you rebell a- gainft God, for God is light, and in thy hearts riling againifi any light, it rifeth fo much againft God. And further know in thy rebelling againft the light, thou aggravateft all rhy former fins. In the time of ignorance God winked at it , but now if thou doeft not repent, the Axe is laid to the roote of the tree, it makes thy fame to -be greater then the finne of the Heathen, there is none of all the Heathen that have fuck an aggravation of their finne as thou hall , becaufe thou liveft under the light of the Gofpel. fohn 3 Chap. This is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men love darl¿nefs rather them light. This is the condemnation above all other condemnation, there is no greater condemnation amongli any other people of the earth then this, then to rebell againft the light, feeing yon doe make your felves wilfully blind Shall a hale lull be ciao- fen before all that glorious ble(fed God that (lines in the ( ?o., fpel the Lord is pleafed to let out himfelfe in the Golpel, and there he beauty and excellency of God appears in the Go- fpel, and when at comes to (dine on thee; fo to dazle thine eyes , yet thou preferrell a bale lull before all that fbining, thou (halt be condemned with a witnels, thy Cannes (hall ag- gravate thy condemnation ; As if he ihould lay, you that live as without a God in the world, though you were never fo pro phane and ungodly, yet had but you embraced the light when God fent it amongft you, then your foules might have been Pa- ved for ever but this is that that will make your tormem s out of meafure terrible, in that light is_coiac into the wo, l 1, and