Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

6 g 6 Some things to be confrdered about rebellion againfi light. and you finne againft that light, and you rather chufe dark- nefs then light , you will fay, I can doe nothing of my felfe, yea thou dceft chufe darknefs rather then light ; you that dos; tebell againft light , you that doe fume againft light, it is jult with God to take it away from you, it is juft with God to rake the Gofpel away from you. There is a threat pronoun- ced againft you in the 3 Chap. of Micah, the 6 verfe. 7 here- .fire night fhall be unto you, that ye fhall not bave a vifon, and it fhah be darke unto you, that ye lhall not divine, and the Saone fhallgoe dome over your Prophets, and the day (hall be dart, over them. It would be the dreadfulleft Judgement in the world againft any Nation,for God to take away the light after he hath been pleated to try them with it, it would be a curfe to the generation to come. , And further know, that if fo be you live under the light of the Gofpel, and you chufe darknefs rather then light, that is, if there be any one way of finne that thy foule clofeth with - all, and thou rejeCteft the light, becaufe it is againft that finne of thine. There is a moft terrible Scripture that wee have in the 2 Corinth. 4 Chap. 3 verfe. But if our Go fP'el be hid, it ù hid to them that are lot. Oh that you would lay this Scripture on your hearts, and that it might be as a Dart on our fpirits ; Lord, how long have I lived under the voyce of the Gofpel, and what doe 1 know of it ? Is it not hid from me ? if the Go- fpel prèvaile for falvation, and doch it not prevaile for illumi- nation ? That is a fad judgement when God fhall give a peo- ple up to blindnefs of mind, under the light of the Gofpel. There are Tome that have had the light of the beames of the Gofpel shining althea], and their hearts have been taken oaf. from forne bate lufts that formerly they have had, but I come and the Lord knows they are hidden from me ; If our Gofpel be hidden, it is hidden to them that are lofI. And further know, that thy end Chaff be ineternill darknefs; thou loveft dark- nefs, and that darknefs Ihalhbe thy end; therefore look on this as a molt dreadful! thing, the rebelling and finning againft knowledge, that that thou finneft againft now will be a ter- , tour to_tbee hereafter ; the holy Ghcft: makes it to be a fpe- cìall