Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

Miniers light in Doctrine and life. 657 ciall argument of Gnceritìe to looke on the light, thole who are able to behold the light , thofe whole wayes are fuch as they can appeale..to God , that there is no truth of God, that God doth fet to them, but they walke in it ; here is one that is able to behold the light, and turfed is that con- tent, that c,annot Rand with the light. Learne wde from what Chrif} faith, that the Minitiers are the light of the ,world ; learne wee then to lighten our Can- dle at this light.1be Scripture calls the confcience of a man his Candle, Proverbs 20 Chap. 27 verte. The fpirit ofman is the candle of the Lord, fearching all the inward parts of his belly. The fpirit of man is the Candle of the Lo:d ; the fpirit of man is able to fuflaine his burden ; but a wounded fpirit Tako can beare ? The fpirit of man is the Candle of the Lord, God bath put in every man and woman a Confcience, and that Confcience is a Candle, it hath fome light in it ; if you will have fo much light, as to fearch out what the Condition of thy foule is, thou mull light thy Candle at the Word, and fo carry thofe truths , that light you have met withal' there, carry it home in your Confcience, and be fearching into the corners of your heart , into all your wayes, be not afraid to take the light to fearch into all your wayes. When the Minifter darts iome lights into the Confciences of men, yet he cannot dart into every fecret finne ; the foules of men have the light of the truth fhining on them, but there are force corners of the heart , that the light doth not Chine into ; but if a man takes a Candle he can goe to every cor- ner of the houfe, and looke into every chinke. You have been hearing the Word, and the Word hath convinced you, yet there are many fecret finnes that the Word hath not niet withaIl , therefore you should light your Candle, and fearch every corner of your heart , and caft out all your finnes there. re are the light of the world ; They are light Min:flers are in their doctrine and çonverlations too , the doctrine of a light in doc Miniíter is one winiefs, and Confcience another, and if they trine and life. both agree, they mull both be light. And fo Chriflian.s in Pppp their