Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

II:nifhers mufr preach the Gofpel publickly. 659 fee e in the Citie of the Lord of Hofis, in the Citie of our God. God will efiabli fh it for ever. 87 Pfalme , 3 verte. Glen'us thins Are fpoken of thee, O Citie of God. tzekiel 4o Chap. s verfe. In the vifions of Clod brought he me into the land' of !Pal, and let me upon a very high mountaine, by ihiçh 1164 as the frame of a Citie on the South. This is the Law of the hor'', upon the top of thehMoue this whole le limit thereof round about (hall be mo Behold, Law of the Houfe. And fo the Church- is let on a hill , there fhould be that union as in the Citie for coming toge- ther. But I cannot thinke that this is the (cope of Chrtfl to let forth this, but to let forth the eminency of the Gofpel; you are font into the world to preach and adminiller the Ordinances of the Gofpel, and goe forth in a publick way, and the eyes of all men will behold you ; you had, need look to your wayes, for the eyes of all men will be upon you. As a Citie that is fet on a hill cannot be hid, and if there be any time of danger that Citie is prefently difcovered , and you muff goe and preach in the world, and you mull not thinke to lye hid, as forne there are that have a fórdid [pirit , and had rather lye hid, and be of no de, then to appeare publickly, and to be of ufe for Chrifl ; No, faith Chrtfl, you mull not thinke to lye hid and be in fafety, but you mull be place to Lu+heran the be the obje& of all the world. Luther on this faith 4 Bhev 14t. Therefore you mull not conceale any thing of the truths of God, you mull goe and preach, and preach the truths of God plainly, and not have any refpe& unto the reproach or fhame in the world, not have any refpet unto povertie, unto riches, unto hatred, unto favour, unto life or unto death, becaufe the Apoflles, and fo the Chriflians did make profeflïon of thofe truths that the world law no reafon for, it is to draw the eyes of the world upon them, and becaufe that they did leek to hold forth a higher way of Religion and godlinefs, then other men held forth, it drew the eyes of men upon them. Upon 7u,rxGiuu n which rurtullian faith on this lace, How comes it to fle, chi s ,afro that our Lord compares us to a Citie on a high know that PPPPa we 4