Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

66o Minfiers fhould hold forth o aies and ordinances publickly. we are awakened in our lids; all the Miniffers of God and Chriíf ; God hash put them in a place of eminency, therefore it should be their care to walke inoffenfive, because the eyes of men are upon them. Our Saviour Chriíf makes this an Ar- gument tiat they fhould walke exaéóly in their wayes, and let their wayes Chine before men., becauie the eyes of men are upon them, it concernes all Miniflers and Chriffians to walk inoffenfive, becaule the eyes of men are upon sheen, and, therefore walke inolfenhvc, take heed when they looke upon you, that they doe not fpie out fume bale and evill way, that they doe not fpie fome dlthinefs and impuritie in your con - verfations, this will be to the dishonour of Chriíf, and to your cwne diíhonour. And.further, that Chriíf faith, that M'iniflers and Chriffians are in the view of all others , it íhould teach thole- that are godly to maintaine the honour of the Miniífers of the Goípel. But further, this is the maine thing that our Saviour aymes at, a Citie on a hill ; I fend you to preach, doe not you regard your owne cafe, but doe you hold forth my truths, and mine ordinances publickly. Note. It h the duty o f all Minfters and 'Chriftiuns, to hold forth all duties, all ordinances to the uttermoft they are able; to the view of all the world.. Therefore whofoever fhall in any private way, exercife any ordinance, as the preaching of the Word, if they might doe it publickly, there is no man that is faithfull, that lovs jefus Chriíf, hut he would rather doe it in a publick way a great deale. But if any cloth, it in a private way, and might doe it publickly, certainly he doth offend againff this Scripture; yet I would nor.have you to be hinderers of men in publick; and afterward to cry out of them in private. The Apofiles they preached publickly, they came and preached in the Temple,. but they.could not break bread theié, they could net,