Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

662 Minuets fhould hold forth duties and ordinances public -0- I am guilty of the evill done. If God bath bleffed many in their trade, and they have gotten an ellate , and live a brave life, and leave their trade, indeed it is an idle life, and little ufefull to the familyes where theyare, they have enough coin- ing in every yeare,what need they trouble themfelves to exer- cife themfelves in that which may be to the publick good it may be you may pleafe your felves in fuch thoughts as thefe are, but certainly they are very finfull before the Lord ; if you have any talents for to bellow for the Lord, doe not hide them under a Bushell, but fet them forth in the places where you are, that others may have the benefit of them, and the good of them. Sometimes a fervant may be good to hold forth light to the family ; but above all, the Governours of the family, Mailers of families, if the Lord bath given you fuch talents, doe not you keepe them in , but hold them forth to the uttermoll , that they may be improved for the good of all people, F I .'71( I S