-------........- THE TABLE. B Bleffedneffe ; difference between Gods judgement and the worlds about it. 22, 23a24. C Ceremonies, whether Example doe not jeeflifie conforming to them. 15,16 Cityfet on a hill, what meant by, at. 658, 659 Chrifas opening his mouth andfpake, what meant by it. 15 Chria rnely teaches wherein Cate bleffedneffe doth confif. Chria the eminent light. 643 D The Devil' through malice rai fes perfecution againfl the people of God. 524 Darkneffe. The world is in darknefífe till the Gofpél comes amongfi them. 640 Wicked men ruled by the fpirit of darknef'fe. 641 E Evangélifls compared that records Chrifs Sermon to the Mount. 4,5 Ends of God infuf ering his Saints to be perfecuted, 526 to 53o eA Caufe net to be judged unjuf, bee carafe perfecuted. 1 ¡ 'e are not to thine that a righteo s caufe fall alivayes free ue from fuf ering in the world. ibid. Excellency ofa Chriflians'late, in the word condition he is bleffed. 570 E Family-peace ; Rules to obtaine it. 468.470 G Grace ; Comforting Confiderations to Chofe that are but mean in Grace. 82 to 90 Gofpel, what it makes manifefl.644 God ; Wayes wherein God reveales himfelfe to the foule. 417 to 422 H Hunger; What meant by hungering and thirfting after righteou fneff e. 220 t0 224 Why they that doe hunger after righ- teous dealing in the world are blef fed. 224 to 230 They j7all be filled. 230, 23,1 Some Texts propounded for the fatif- fying of the righteous. 2 31 to 235 Curfed are thofe that hunger after unrighteoufne f fe. 235, 236 Incouragement unto the fervants of God