Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

THE TABLE. felfe to one tlsat bath an uncleane heart. 407 á.1:7cleas,zelJè.of heart, the Ground óf ' Light. . JrC,3t rgt'.Orance. 409. G.YZI;CTi'C.3r, II 410. Bell way to keep 'oar feives I from the errors of the times, is to II getciean hearts. 412 -!;+<e pure in heart, [hall have a clear fight of God hereafter. 4.30. 'to 437 Ifhat they fhall lofe that live. in fin, and fo hinder themfclves from the _light of Go4. 437 L I E.sc :'%tnat things called by- the name of Ltght. . 639 What is Li7ht. 646 7-he .eceîtie of Gofpel Light, 654,. Rebellion;againfl Light, a provol;ing 655, 656 fin. Independency. Di ference between Independency and Presbytery. 43'6) 477 K ?ghat meant by Kinndome of Hea- ven. 59, 60,_6t. Why it i,r cal- led the Kingdome of Heaven ; anfwered in five particulars. 6z. to 7 2 what Cörsaforts to Chrifls pore, ari- feth to them from the Confidera- tion of his poverty. 75, 76. O- ther Comforts to them. 77. to 82 If peore in fpirit, there is Ground of Comfort, though peore and mean in Grace. $ 2 to $9 thowledge , what knowledge of God it is that moll defire. 41 2, 413 Rf Mini dters worke, a great work 7 Minifters not to be. too nice of their bodyes. g. Minifters mull pray more, and they will preach better. 9 Chrifl loath fpeciall regard. 13 The end of the Miniflry, to fhew peo- ple how to come to blefedneffe. 2ï Minifters mull fuite their Sermons' to the condition of their people. 26 .Worhe of the Miniflry a bleffed work, 4 Minifters muff expeEt to fuffer. 607 Hiflory of the Prophets fu Bring. 6o8.to611 Miniflry of the Gofpel to be prized. 623 Exhortation to receive the Minifiry of the Gofpel. 624 How Minifters arc faid to be unfa- vory. 631 why fo difficult to recover Minifters that arefallen back 63 2 V n favory Mini(}ers tmu fefull, 633 to 637 What