Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

THE T.ABLE. .what Mounraine it was:Çhrifl- prea-' shed on. I o Why Chrifl preached on the Moun- tame. lo ?reaching may be in any place jufli- fled, agasnl k double vanity and concett'of people. I o, I I uffirth and Jovial/icy iebulsed. 105, 106, 107 Spiritual) mourning opened, 63, 64 Six -fold mourning not bicffed. J *en loth one mourne in a gracious manner ; anfwered in foure things. 95)96. Comfort arifeth from mourning it felfe. 96,97,98 When the mourner (hall be Comfor- ted. 99 What kind of Comfort the mourners (hall have. Io r4hy the mourners muff be comfor- ted. I0I, IO2 Difference between the comforts' of carnall hearts and the Saints. 102 Comforting Confideratians to chafe that are true mourners. Io8. to 3 Supports for the foule under mourn- ing, and Gods delay of comfort. 113, 114 how wee may order our mourning, that it may comfort Ks, that the pranaife doth belong to us ; anfwe- red. IT5.toI2I ghat true mourning for fin is. 121 to 125 fin are bleffed. Why mourners for Why it is a blefJèd thing to mourn for fin. I24. to 13u That man curled, that doth rejoyçe in (n. 129 Mourning for fin, not melancholy. 139 Cordials comforts to chafe that are true mournersfor fn; 130. to '37 Rules for mourners to obferve in fee- ing for comfort. 13 7.. to.14 3 Notes to know whether the cortsfsrts obtained be the comfort of Iefw Chrft or no. 143, 144 Something f fsol e,n to them that never were true mourners. 145 Foure direîlions for fuch to male safe of. 146. to ì so Exhortation to true mourners, to trourn for other mens fins. 45o 154. Reafons of ie. -1 5 2. to: 1.5 6 What the national) fins are that WO muff mourn for. 15'6. to 159 Thofe are bleffed that can mourn for the of flia-aons of the Church. And why. 159 o z66 Savory Minifters are honoured' by God. 637; Minifters fhould labour to be full of light 64 ?L. FaithfullMinifters bave the provi dence of God over them. 64.8' The Miniftry of the cjo f f el to be Frs zed. 649 Minifters are Light, in do/lrine ano life. 651'I Minifters duty it is to hold forth al` Qq q q 2 Or 124