Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

THE T ABL E. Ordinances. 66o ivlinifrers fhould labour to improve their CJ' frs ° 661 How we fhould mourn for the af- flaciions of the Saints. 166, 167, 168 What duties God calls for from the Confderation of the a:Pc`tions of the Saints. ibid Why we fhould by meditation put our felves in the condition of mourning Saints, or Saints in trouble, 69 and what Fife there would he of it. I70.to175 Ivleek ; what meant by the word. 17 How true meekneñe differs from naturall meekneffe. 176' Wherein true ineekneffe confafs.178 to 186. Meekiivfie urged from Gods exam- ple.. 182 Why the meek are blcffed. 186. to , 190 How the meek are fetid to inherit the earth. 190,. 191 Why they jhall doe fo. 191.1"0199 Reprehènfson to profeffors that a e not meek. ,1 Want of tïmeekNffe, caufe of fsfpition of the truth of Graces 2oo. to 2 3 Exhortation to meekneffe, and o, helper to it, 203.t0210. Mercy ; the feverall work'ngs ofmer - cy an the heart; 34o, 341, 342 Motives to fhewing mercy.- 343. tU The objet of mercy. 345 y 345 The qualifications of fhewing. of n,er_ low he is a.bleffed man that f c es mercy. 349 to 351- Comforts to thofe that are of merct- full d; fpofitions 155- to 157 Reprchaeni'on to ulmlercifull inert. 359. An unmercifuil.hearr, is a vald heart. 360. He !Znower not God. 361 The. fn and miler), of unmerciful! men. 36,. to 369 The Beauty and Excellency of mer- cy. 369. to 372 .nfwer to forze pretences againf (hewing, ofmercy. 373. to 377 . (Motives to the fhewang of mercy-. 378. to 382 (O The order obferved in the feaventh Beatitude ; Blefíed are the peace- maker's. 444, 445 P-. Prayer. Long. - prayer to ified upon extraor- dinary occa/ion. 3 Preaching ; three things recorded in the manner of Chrifis preaching. 1 S. fatting, 1 5. opening of his mouth, 16; Jetting his .eyes, 17. What meant by each. what