THE TABLE. What meant. by poore in f irit. 26 Comforts to them that are poore in the world, if poore in fpirit. 28, 29,3o what poverty of.fpirit mak,çs a man blefed.. 32,33,34 what fpiritu all poverty that is, that the foule is fencible of. 35,36,37, 38, 39 Thofe that have Grace, they are f1111 ffüritually poore, homed in leaven things. 41, 42, 43 How they are fail to be 'Repel that are apprehenfiveof their poverty ; fkewed to 11 particulars. 45,46, 47, 48, 50, 51 why God hats, fach regard to thofe that are poore in fpirit. 51. to 54 Tromifes to thole that are Gods poore. 5 57 56 Foure obfervatiors from the firfl Bea - titudeof poverty of fpirit. 57, 58 Peace- maker, the word opened. 447 Blef ed are thofe that labour to make peace between mein and God. 448 to 453, Peace- makers between man and man are bleff ed. 45 3 .to 46o Rules for making peace between man and man. 462 Bales for making and keeping peace in families. 463, 470 Rules for peace among, neighbours. 470. to 475 why peace - makers are called the Children of Cod. 481 It is a bleff ed thing to be a child of God. 8 when a man is cf that peaceable d . . po ltion, as that heManifefls him- felfe to be a child of God. 509 to 512 Perfecution. Condition of peace making and per - fecution. 513 The word perfecuted op toed. s 13 what perfecution to'. 524 What meant by the prom. f, theirs is the kingdome of heaven. 515i 516. And why it is anexed to the perfecuted. ibid Three Doht. in the words. 516, 517 all that will live godly in Chrtfp Jefus , mull fuf fer perfecution, opened. 517. to 5 20- eAll the Di fciples ofChrifl näufl ex- , peal perfecution. 5 20. to 5 24 How it comes to pap that they fiaf fer, anfwered. 524. to 5 30 Zen may perfecute righteoufneffe, that are not away of it themfelves. 543 Whether one Godly man may perfe- . cure another. 545 Principles or confideìations that may finable the people of Clod to fuffer. what a bleffed thing it is to fifer forrighteoufeffe fake. 570 Seaver ufes of the doElrine of períe- tion._ 575 Prof fi on of Religion mull not be ta- ken up without reckoning upon fps!, Perin'. 5 30