THE TABLE. Profelliion of Religion mug not be taken up on meer hear:fay or by- ends.. 531, 533 how profeifors are fail to lofe their favour. 628 The Leff e we are in pave obedience, the more let us be in at`live. '613 R Religion asrdgodlineffe, its excellen- cy. 103, 104 Difcoveries of men that oppofe righ- teoufneffe, and though they doe not loow it themfelves. 546 Exhortation to men to take heed what they oppofe, leaft it be righteouf- nefhe. 5503551 Reviling , what the word f:gnifies. 576 Saints muff expei2- to be reviled. 576 to 579 (Make account of reviling. 579 wake more exactly, becaufe wicked men 'will revile you. 579 Let not Saints revile Saints. 58o Thole are bleffed that are reviled: 580, 581 Saints (Mould not anfwer reviling for 'reviling. -581. Plea for return- ing reviling anfwered. Rates to be obferved, to deale plainly with men, yet not to revile them. 583 Let not the Saints by reviling be put outof the way of ChrifE. 591 DireCttons how to behave our ¡elves under reproaches. ? 59r, 592; Revilers are- curfed. S92 Some can heare reproach , but not perfecution: 594. Others can beare fore reproaches, . but' not all reproaches. , 595 Reproach, how to behave our felves under it. 591259z S Scope of Chriffs Sermon. 20 Sight of God depends not uponthe fight of mens natsrrall underftandinn,but upon cleanneffe of heart. 414 Sight of God is mans blcffedneJf e.4r.i. 415 what meant by Peeing of god. 416 Soule. Severall wayes wherein God reveales himfelfe to the foule, viz., by his workes. 417, 418. efpecrally by his word. 418. and Ordinances. 4.19. Above all in the face of j e- fur Chrift . 4190'0 419.t0422 That it is a blef"ed thing to fee God fa out in Scripture many wayes. 422. to 424 Wherein it appears to be fuch a hap- py thing to fee God. 424. to 430 Sin hinders the fight of God. 437, 438 Miferable are they that deligl-t nit in the fight of Boil. 439 i1?i ferable are thofe to whom the fight of Cod (hall be a curie. 439. to 444