Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

On the Excellency of Chrif. fered to the Father, we come to enter into the Hòlieft of all, and that with boldneffe. Itwas not fo in the time of the Law ; no; but after the High Prieft had offered Sacrifice, bee alone goes into the Holy of Holies but now mark, here net only Chrift our High Prieft, but we, may come with boldneffe, which none of the people could doe in the Law, that is thus, there an efficacy in the Sacrifice of our High Prieft, as that every beleever may come, though bee hath never fò many fins of his own; he may come with boldneffe into the Holy of Holies, into the molt immediate pretence of God the Fa -.: ther, through the facrificeof this our'Prieft, that bath made fuch a way by his Bloud for us, tO come and enter into the Holy of Mies ; the People in the time of the Law were to Hand at a diftance, for this Sacrifice was not aitually offe- red; but fence Chriffs coming, and his aélual offering up his Sacrifice, now the Saints ofGod may come with boldneffe into the holy, immediate, and glorious prefence of God that can bee; let God appear never fo glorioufly, yet the Saints have liberty and boldneffe to come into the molt glo- rious prefence of God ; and therefore Chrift is wonderful in this Prieftly Office of his. Two or three things more fhouid have been fpoken. _ That Chrift hath made us Netts unto God, wee have the glory of his Priett -hood upon our felves, if wee belong unto him ; Priefts, that wee may offer up Sacrifice to God now acceptable were it not through the vertue of this Prieftly Office of Chrift, wecould not doe it : But it is by the Prieft- ly Office of Chrift that all Beleevers are now made Priefts unto God, fo as they may offer Sacrifice to God acceptable ; it may be thou goeft to God in Prayer, and ()Tema up a Sa- crifice to God, and thinkeft God will be well pleated with it, I pray now upon what terms daft thou offer them up ? Thy Prayers fhould bee Sacrifices, but in the time of the Law none mutt offer a Sacrifice but a Prieft ; Haft thou an intereft in the Prieftly Office of Chrift, and doeft thou for unto Jefus Christ by faith, and give up thy Sacrifice into his N hands, 89