Om the excellency of Chr i(7 fulfilling Promifes , any promife that is fulfilled manifeífs The glory of the glory of G ods truth and faithfulnefs, but now. the.ful- Gods Truth - filling that great Promife of God in fending his Son into apyears in the world, here the truth and faithfulnefs of. God appears hnft.. more glorioufly than in all other; for there. was never, a promife fo difficult as this promife; many men can bee corn tent to fulfil promifes of fmaller moment, when there is no great difficulty in the fulfilling of them, I but here is the greäteft Promife that ever was , and there was the greateft ¡difficulty for God to fulfil this .promife of any thing that ever God did promife ; and indeed whem as wee hear that' Chrifl was promifed fome .four thoufand years before hee came into the world,. and yet at length bee came into the world , it is a good Argument to:teach us never to doubt of the fulfilling of Gods promifes ; And indeed the._ right ap prehenfion of Gods faithfulnefs in this great Promife of his Son, will mightily firengchen the faith of the people of ,God to beleeve any fmaller promifes , and not to Bagger in.them ; and the reafon why people are fo ready to ffagger in their beleef about fmaller promifes, it is becaufe they have not been acquainted with the work of be- leeving that great .promife that God made with his people .in,fending his Son into the world ;- fo that thefe _Accributes with all other , do Thine glorioufly in Chrifl. No marvel then. though the Angels upon the birth of Chria, they cry out , Glom bee to God on high ; as if they fnould fay Oh -Lord, Here is one come into the world , wherein thy glory doch appear , and by whom thou shalt have glory to all. eternity : Though Chrift was but a Babe in the Manger, yet the Angels did fee more . glory in him than in the - highea heavens; they did not fee fo muchcaufe to -cry, Glory ,hee to God on high , from any objeft that ever they law, as 'when they faw, the Babe in the Manger , then- Oh glory hoe hig to God onh , wee ; behold thy glory fnining here , and blefl'ed a e thofe that (hall bee inabled tò behold the glory of God in the face of Jefus Chriff; who would not but have beheld the lóry of God in his great works ? what man Q. 3 çar,