Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

J 14ó on the Excellency ofChrifl. Say , It is enough, they mull have abode to all eternity un- der it, they could never have come out of Prifon, but have lain there ; but now Chrift hee undertook this work, and was content to bee under the power of Death till God fhould fully difcharge him, as being fatisfied ; God faith at length I am fatisfied , Let the prifon doors bee opened, let him go ; fo that when Chrift comes out of the Grave, snow hee is declared before men and Angels mightily in a wonderful manner to bee the Son of God;. and it is upon this that the Scripture faith in Pfalnt z. Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee, which is applied by the Apoflle in Afl.13. and force other Scriptures unto Chrifls Refurreuion. This is now , as if fo bee that Chrift had been begotten but that day ; why Chrifl was the begotten Son of the Fa= ther from all Eternity. I but Chrift coming under the charge of mans fin,and un- der thepower of death,all the while he was in that low eftate of humrliation,hee doth not appear like the Son of God be -, fore the world , but when hee comes and gets the power over all, and is acquitted and rifes again, now hee doth ap- pear like himfelf indeed , the onely begotten Son of the Fa.. ther, hee is now mightily declared to bee the Son of God ; and in this the Refurreclton of Jefus Chrift was wonderful, for the wonderful power and efficacy that there is in it; Chrift being acquitted,all the eledl were in him acquitted,all were acquitted in him vertually, though there is another acquitting perfonally when they beleeve : At the very time of Chrifls Refurreaion , all the Elul were acquitted as in a head , yet I fay, There is another acquitting from God in ones own perfon , that is upon beleeving : From hence that notable Scripture wee have in a Pet. 3.z r . The like figure whereunto, even Baptifrn doth now fave us (not the put- ting away of the filth of the jlefh, but the anfwer of a good cän- fcien 'ce towards God) by the Refurreltion of Jefu ChrifI. What anfwer is this that the Apoflle fpeaks of ? and how is, this aaafwer by the ReÇuzreaiQn of Jails Chrifl ?... The