on the Excellency of the Soll, 243 whole world , and lofe his own foul ? This was wholefome counfel ; and certainly the tight meditation and underhand - ing of this Text would bee of admirable ufe to every foul. You have in the words thefe two things plainly hinted. Firfl That there is in every man a foul , a . fpiritual fub- fiance, befdes what is vifible and fenfible. And fccondl y , That this foul of man is more worth than all the world , it hath that excellency, that if a man gains all the world , and lofes that , when bee bath ca fl up his account , bee may put his gains in his eye, bee fhall fnde himfelf a miferable creature. Wee might make more divifions, or fubdivifions of the words , but I will content my felf onely with thofe two things, and (peak chiefly to the latter. Nosy to make way for that,' will fpeak a little of the former,What is a man pro- fited if he fhallgain the whole world,and lofe his foul? his Soul. Every man bath a foul , a rational fpiritual fubftance be- yond that that is vifible or fenfible; in ,lob 3 2.8. But there is a #1rit in man,and the in1Jiration of the .Almightygiveth hiars underffanding. There is a fpirit in man betides the bodily fubf+ance that you fee, there is a fpirit in man , fuch a fpirit as is capable of the infpiration of the Almighty to give un- dedlanding, &c. And in Gen.2.7. it is faid,T hat God form- ed man of the duff of the earth, and breathed into his noirils the breath of life. Here is another manner of mans -creation, nr j1 than of other creatures ; God did but fay of other . creatures let them bee, Let the earth bring forth creep - ©'?R ins things &c. And it was fo : But when bee comes to man, bee forms man out of the duff of the earth, that is for his body, and for his fpirit bee breathes into his noflrils the breath of life. I have read of a people that would not bee perfwaded that there was any difference be- tween heels and them And truly there is fomewhat to do to perfwade carnal hearts of any great difference between a beatr and them in relation to God, or to another life : But certainly there is a fpirit in man , there is fome`Yat beyond C c s that