204 Öñ the E xec1í iicy of the Soul. that body of thine that is vifibie, which clothinñnitely con- cern thee to look to. For firft , Wee fee that there are aEtigns in men thät are be- yondthat which concerns the body at all: And therefore furely there is a fpirit in man, befides what thebody is; the highefi a6 ions ofmen are fuch as do not concern the body,. as thus, The knowledge of the heavens, the knowledge of Angels, o. fpi tirs, what bath the body to do with fuch things? the know- ledge of the írayfieries of the Gofpel ,, and the converting . with them, they are abfrra5 ed notions from all kinde -of bodily fubfrances; the knowledge of God and Chria, yea the very knowledge of Mathematical notions , many notions there are inArts and Sciences that are abilraa from all bodily things; certainly then there is a fpirit in man beyond that.bo- dily fubirance that do h. appear commonwith the brutebeafis. Yet fecund(y , There is a power in man to curb his body, to deny himfelfof that which is moß fuïtable to the body, ;faint inresatáG,,, Paul ìCor. 9. 27. I keep under my body , and bring it into Subattum feu fmbjeaion. : Surely there is fomewhat inman that is above the dejiaumpremo, body , that bath fo much commánd of the body, as it ap ea captivitatem e irs the f iritof man bath to. beat down the bod If thou, reduco,vet,ut p a p y , àtái.eontundo, beeil a; neat; .given to thine appetite, when thou fittelt at -the table- Pròv.x3.1,x. of agreat man, put a knife to thy throat,, a man isable,ro curb his appetite ; though the body hath never fo -ftrong a defire . to fuch and fuch things, yet the foul of man is able to curb, Matth.i3.8,9. his body and deny it : If thy right hand offend thee,ctu it off,, or thy right eye offend thee, p1 ck it.aut. There, is -a power in man to deny the body that which it defires never fo much, . which a beafr cannot, that cannot deny that which is fuitable to his fenfe everyway,excepttherebe fome fironger fenfitive. thing to take him off : But man is able to deny his fenfe, when there is no fenfitive obje& beforehim to take him off By that dominion thatthe foul of man hath over his body, bee is able to curb his Body, andto deny his body, therefore: furely thereis a fpirit in man. 3. Again, That which the .Scripttdre maéet the chief aEliens of man.te conff in which have any refercto t to God, is fuch things