Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

4e /" E.x'celle.ncy of the see, 205 : things' that are done by fomei4hät be'yond the ho?dy._ . harfcíever a :man loth, if it bee but onely the body that :is :exercifed,:. and_fenfe,. it is not accepta'óle to God. Bodily . eerct fe pro. T fiteth;,little, faith the Scripture, and i CO: i;. 3 What a f L give my body to bee burnt? A man may give his body to bee búrrit.: there all the fenfes may concur in it , and yet if there bee not a fpirit in man to aJ this upon any higher ends and grounds, than an i thing that is bodily can reach unto, itis worth nothing, it is not regarded. Fourthly; There: is a firit in man beyond this bodily fug- fiance : for when this bádily.fubflaece is decaying , mouldring away, there are many thoughts IN a man about an eternal elate, and more fre(h and kpvelyfometirnes when the-body-is mouldring away, than ever therewasbefore;' there are no creattirés but Angels and men that ttaket any cognizance of an eternal- ellate, That take any thoughts about what is to come hereafter: Now we fay,Nature doth nothing in vain,'ne & nattrra' furelÿ God would not have put fuch kinde of workings 'infruçwrerat man about another condition', after this body fhall'nïoulder away,. but that théde is fomewhac that cloth concern fome other part of man betides that bodily fubflance of his. Fifthly,andthen latlly,There is certainly a fpirit in man be- yond his bodily fnbflaYce : for wee know that there are real pains and torments upon .a mans fpirit.Thè burdens-of confcience in the reflex aj that a trans cbrrfcience hath upon himfelf fum_ monin; of him to appear before the great God : Though a mans body be in never filch health,and hath all outward ac commodatiáns about him,.as mufick, good cheer, friends,e- ftate,ÿet there is that horror and torment in his fpïrir,fome- times through the confcioufnefs of the guilt of fin, that hee . is not able to bear : nay were there not fomewhat beyond this bodily fubflance;.certainty this could never bee; verily then there is a:fpirir:in man, and hence therefore you fee . that there .is: fomewhat doth concern you:all beyond your prefent, outward, and bodily condition. Let no tnan think' that bee hath .prövided.welt: for himfelf ; when he path- provided mony, and houfe,:and lands,, and good cheat, and C c 3 cloaths,,