or, the Exeellerrcy of the soil. 207 doth any high notions that you are able to tell it; and truly thus it is with fenfual men even as the Atheifl who faith in his heart That there is no God ; fo a kinde of Atheifm there is in their hearts to fay they have no fouls, that there is no difference between them and the brute -beats ; hence it is that they favour fpiritual things fo little. Tell carnal men of the excellency of the Name of God, Tell them of Jefus Chrifl , how wonderful hee is of the wonderful myfleries of the Gofpel , and of the things of eternal life, they are dry things to fuch a one , . hee favours them not : Tell him of money, and meat, and drink , and fports, and cloaths, and fuch kinde of things they are fuitable unto him , there is fome favour in them ; but for the great things of the Kingdome of God , and of eternal life, there is no favour at all in them ; aa,:dthus far is man fallen from God, and lives for the mail part , as if fo bee hee were capable of no higher good , but meerly ro eat and drink , and live for a while here like a beat( : Thus doth the Devil gull and deceive molt of us : Now my brethren,this is a work that I have undertaken, and it con- cerns as much the Miniflers of God to Phew unto you what you are your felves , what God hath made you, as to (hew. you what God is, and what Chrill is, that you may come to underhand your felves ; you can never come to know y )ur reference unto God, untill you cone to know what God bath made you ; this is therefore my fcope in this Scripture, to thew unto you what God hath made you, and that you have fouls within you, and fouls of exceeding great worth (I will not fay infinite , for none is infinite but God himfelf) but ro :e worth than all the world,. than all the creatures that God hath made, except the An- gels in heaven : The fouls of the children of men are moll excellent creatures did buta man or woman confider fe- rioufly that they have fouls in them beyond their bodies,, it would raife them up a little. But this next Point that is the main and principal , Did Doct. 2.. they but know the wo.th of their fouls, it could not but mite