208 oh the excellency of the Soul. räife them very high above thofe poor empty vanities that they have minded all this while 7herefarethere is in man not onely a foul, but that that is more worth than all the world, that if it Should bee loft, that man that gained she whole world, would bee a great lofer in his bargain. Know therefore this , that :there is not the pooreft man or wonian living , nay not the pooreft childe that lyes beg- ging 'arcruft of bread at your door , but this childe had a foul in it'that is more worth than heaven and earth, this poor ragged tattered childe that lees in rags, I fay, crying at your threfhold, and begging a peece of bread, it bath a foul in it that hath greater excellency than the Sun Moon, and Stars, thari all' the; Heavens , than the Sea , than the Earth, put all the creatures in the world together that are under Angels , the fpirit of this poor childe bath more ex- cellency no it, than all thefe things, and that is the thing that I am to make out unto you. Why natural life bath More excellency in it than any creature that bath nó life. I remember Auf in faith of a Flye, becaufe ir'hath life, that it bath more excellency in it than the Sun its felf , becaufe though the Sun bee a glori- ous creature , yet it bath not life in it; life in the meanett creature bath a greater excellency than any thing elfe that harh,not life. But now the 'foul bath the higheft natural life that is, and capable of The highelt happinefs that any creature is capable of;andcher'efore more excellent than all the world; But that wee iliall come too in its order. The excellency of the foul may bee difcovered, firft, In Theécellen' the relation it hail) to God, God dolh challenge á peculiar eyof the soul rel "ation to the fpirits of men.; and therefore in b'eb.t a.9. difcovered, p x In its rela- Cod is called the Father of- fpirits , Shall wee not much ra- e on to Gad. ther bee in fubjeFlion to the Father of fpirits, and live ? As if God did nöt fo much- look after , and regard your bodies, the outward man, but bee is the Father of fpirrrs. And in Zeck. Is.' . There is likewife an expreflion to the fame purpofe , T hat God. did form the fpirit of man within him God