Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

On the Excellency of the Soul. 209 God accounts it a fpecial part of his glory, that hee makes the fpirits of men; hee is the Father of fpirits : But now I shall not enter into that controverfie of the Generation of the foul; thus far thefe Scriptures with others do evidence, that God bath a more fpecial hand in the producing of this fpiri- tual fubflance, than hee hath in other Creatures. - 2 And further, The foul is onely under Gods command r No Creature can have power over the foul of a man, he may force his body, but his fout cannot bee forced by men or Angels. 3 yea, And it is under the power of no Creature to infliCt evil upon it : Fear not them, faith shrift, that can kill the body, and can do no more; there is all they can do, they can Mat. but kill the body, fear not them, but fear him , who after Ltitc, II' 4' F beehath killed the body, bath power to ca.41 the foul into Hell, yea, I fay unto you, fear him, faith Chrift. So that it appears- by the Text, that there is no Creature can do hurt to the. foul; the Devils themfelves they cannot do it; they can pro- pound objefts before the foul, but except the foul do con - fent, they cannot force it; it is onely God that hath power over the foul, therefore faith Chrift, fear him, that is, fear God that bath this power; all other creatures, this is all their do, as wee may fay, they are able to kill the body. 4 But further, The excellency of the foul of man, in refe- rence unto God, appears efpecially in the largo extent of capa- city that it hathto receive the Image of God, and its ability to work according as God doth work himfelf, and to enjoy communion with God, and to receive the communication of thole choice excellencies that God bath to communi- cate; thefe things Phew the excellency of the foul : the large extent I fay of the foul in the capacity it hath of good (of di- vine good.) As Firf +, It is that that is capable to have the Image of God fiampt upon it ; Whatfoever the body hath, it is but in way of ref eEtion from the foul; wee know thole Princes that are greatand rich Princes, except neceíhty compells them, do not ufe to Ramp their Image upon Leather, or Brafs, or Cop- D d per,