Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

on the Excellency of the Soul. t i t becaufe they live not the fame life one with another , their lives are of different kinder : fo, were it not that the foul were capable of the fame life thatGod lives , it could not bee capable of communion with God. Fourthly, And further, The foul is of foci) a nature, as it is capable of the communication of the choic& excellencies that ever Goct\did, or will communicate unto any : lire ainly there are very glorious excellencies in God, in the infinite foun- tain of all good, in the infinite firiI beeing of all things and this God being an infinite góod, Both take infinite de- light in the communication of his goodnefs; Now I fay the fouls of men are of filch a large extent, as they are font way capable ofthe enjoyment of any good that God bath to communicate, which bee hath revealed in his word; yea, and the truth is, when wee hear of Gods communicating ofhim- felf to his Son, that bath a humane foul as well as a bodyt wee cannot but conceive that a humane foul is of that large extent, as it is capable of the higheft and excellenteft good that God hath to communicate to any Creature. We cannot but think that the foul ofJefusChrifl hath as much of Gods goodnefs communicated to it, as ever creature had, or can have; now the foul of Jefus Chriß is of the fame nature with our fouls, as his body; bee took the faine kinde of flefh as wee have, onely there was no fin; and fo the fóul, it is the fame kind of foul that wee have, onely it was not finful, as ours are : Now, if the foul of Jefus Chrift bee capable of the highefl good that God the infinite good bath to communicate to any creature, then the fouls of men and women are al fo howfoever you have look'd after your fouls no further, but onely to bee ferviceable to your bodies, to get meat and drink, and bee as it were fait, as the Philofopher faith of the cujtN ataim. Epicure, that the foul ferves for no other end to him, but to po fide, keep his body from {linking; et know, ,vhatfoever thou art , though now a finful wretched vile creature, and art deprived of the chief excellency that thy foul is capable of, yet that foul of thine that thou hall, is capable of the highell good thing that an infinite God hath to communicate: Oh that Dda God