Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

On the ex`ellency of the Soul. 325 lively hope, by the refurreftion of lefias Chrift from the dead. Here is a great deal in this Scripture; Firft, that the hopes of the Saints are lively hopes, that is, a hope as is mightily Fvorking in them, it will not Puffer their hearts to lye dead in any way of wickednefs; Indeed, it may bee with the hearts of the Saints, as it is with a fountain of living water, that inn have fome dirt caiiinto it, but it being a living fpring, it works out that dirt; fo the children of Go that have fome livzly hopes, fray have force dirt call in by temp- tation ;- force fin, I,,but if their h opes bee lively, it will work it all out. - -- And mark, you are begotten, therefore you fee that the hopes of life and falvation it is that that is not bred with us (as I fpake before) but it is that that follows from our new birth. -- And this is_by the re.furre ion of Jefus Chrift from the dead. The power and the virtue of the re- furreelion of Jefus Chria from the dead being in the foul , and 'putting a new life into the foul, begets it to this lively And then it is a purging hope, 3, John 3. 3, .And every man that hath this hope, purtfieth himfelf even al bee is pure. Mark, you think, what need men bee fo pure and aria ? are there none of you that ever have fcorn'd at purity, and precifenefs, and hólinefs ? if you have, confider of this text upon which your fouls lies, every man that hath this hope,, that is, to fée Jefus Chria, and bee made like unto him, heç dòth here this world purifie himfelf, as Jefus Chria is pure, that is',., hee: doth make Jefus Chril+ to bee his pattern in al-Lth- at_he.. Both,. and aims at no lefs purity, than the very purity of the Son of God; hee doth aim at it, bee makes it his work , though hee cannot come fully to it and that very hope that is in him doth work him to this ; Now what hopes you have had that are not fuch, mull bee rated down to the ground, if ever you would bee raved at laid.. S 3 The