Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

-- 3?6 P.9AAAWIMAAAMbbA: t+f49 A eeam °fea qoprimprnwroriloWiltrivExiVrit,VIPPYIE: I The Ninth SERMON fl N The Excelles:cy of Ebe Soul. Matthew 16.26. For what is a man profited if hee Aall gain the whole World, and lofe his own foul ? Quefîion. Osa will fay , Rafed down to the ground, whit is that ? Anf v. By that I mean this. Firs, You fbould bee willing to feek to Gods and that carnally, that hee would never let you bee at,quiet in any falfe hope, be earnefi with Grid in prayer : O Lord, j Pee that the matter of my fal- vation, is a matter of infinite confeluence; if I fhould mif take, if I fhou,ld ánifcarry in it, it had been better for mee never to have been born; O Lord ! therefore help mee in this thing above all, that I may never ref+ my falvation up- on any falfe hopes, that fo I may not at the laff bee dif- appointed of my laí} hopes; bee earnef.I thus with God , and bee willing to know the worfi of your felves; Lord, if thou