328 ois the Excellency of the Seul. fo fometimes it is with the foul when it bath loft its-eviden- ces for fálvation, it may get new in lefs time, and with lets charge, than to fecic out the old. It may bee thou lookeft to fee r; herher thou haft not been an Hypocrite all this while.; or formal : Suppofe upon examination thou canft not finde any thing to fatisfie thy foul, but that it bath been fo, yet now, what hinders but that thoumayeft this inftant throw thy foul upon Jefus aria ? I but I am afraid that when I have -come to Chrift, I have not curie rightly. - -- I but per- haps thou mayeft come to Chrift in that time that thou mayeft know whether thou haft come, rightly, yea or nay : - -- But now thebeft way for thole . that are mightily troubled and folicitous about evidences whether their effate bee right or. no, I fay, let thole, rather than fpend too much time in difcour aging of their own hearts begin the work a- lain; let fuch a one prefent Jefus Chrift now as a Saviour forloft man, whofe grace is infinitely full, and infinitely free; and there is nothing hinders thee but that thou mayett at this very mutant ca[t thy felf upon him to bee thy Saviour, both to fave thee from fin, and from condemnation. I but you will fay, I may prefume, and who bath right to do any fuch thing ? To that I anfwer , that there is nothing can give thee right to Chrift, but by carting thy foul upon him, by heleev- ing in him , that right that wee have to Chrift it is by beleeving: It is not by any work before beleeving that gives thee right to Jefus Chrilc : So that by this you fee what Ï mean by rating down the old foundation, The next is, by laying the new foundation of this great work of thy fálvation, and bee fiare thouiay that. lure. You will fay,lay it lure, What is it ? Chrill is the foundation, No otherfoundation can bee laid but Chrift himfelf; lay it there: - -- And then that that is next to Chrift the foundation, it is the true work of Faith, and the true work of Repentance; the true work of Faith that is next, that is the foundation of what is wrought in our hearts; Chrifl is the foundation firft, but of any work in