330 On the Excellency of the Soul. Car. 5. 17. opens to receive in, to imbrace, to bee fatisfied with all, as all the good and kappinefs I expe6l; and it is Chriíl that my heart opens to, to fave mee from my fin, as well as from punifhment, to unite mee to God, to bring mee to u- nion with him, that I may live for ever to the praife of the great God; and it is this Chriíl that I take into my heart to bee King and Governour , and now to rule: Sin, Satan, Temptations, Lulls, fhall not reign as they have done, but Chriíl fhall let up his own Government in my foul. - -- Now then, upon this mull needs follow wonderful and glorious effe&s upon the foul, the foul that doth beleeve filch high things as thefe are, and doth open it felf to receive Chril upon fuch tearms, certainly, I fay, there mull needs bee wonderful efletts wrought in that foul; fuch things mull needs work the foul up to God, to live to him in another manner than ever, and that is the reafon of the Scripture . expreffion, whofeever is in Chriíl, is a New Creature , all old things are pall away, and all things are become new. For why? the Lord bath revealed new glorious things to fuch a foul, and the Lord therefore now aas and carries on the foul to o- ther manner of objeas than ever before it was wont to bee buffed about. p---- And fuch a kinde of work of Faith is this, that is the foundation of the great work of falvation next to Jefus Chriíl himfelf, as the old mull bee rated down, fo a new mull bee raifed up. Now when you come to think of falvation, that you hope to bee faved, you mull have recourfe to fuch a kinde . of work upon you, as this; how have I felt the power of the Holy Ghotl rating down old. things ? and how have I felt the power ofGod , even that power by which 3efiu Chriff was rai fed from the dead, to raife fuch a foundation as this is ? - -- And upon, this now followes the work of Humiliation and Repentance, that is, Godly furrow; and fo to mourn, as to have the heart to bee taken from its former courfes and waies, and bee let upon the contrary good : - -- Now when the foul finds fuch workings of God upon it (as cer- tainly thefe things°cannot bee, and no notice . at alb taken of