Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

332 Ott the .Excellency of the Soul. -his Word continually, and this I labour to do more and more, and I am willing it fhould bye. fo, I am not willing to have the authority of Gods Word aft off, but I am g, ad that ever Goddid difcover to met the dreadful authority that there is in his Word. Secondly, And then the next thing is the authority of confcience; if confcience have any enlightening, it is that that will difcover very much of the mind of God unto thee; there is nothing will difcover Gods mind more Unto the heart of a man or woman, than an enlightened confcience, and it will difcover it with power; a Mu-lifter fpe.aks, and his words many times vanifh the Air., but when con- fcieuce comes to difcover Gods mind, it comes with power, and fpeaks particularly to this foul, and the other foul, and confcience when it bath light) will 'bee pleading of Gods cauft, and admonifhing and plucking the foul out of the waies ofdeath perdition, and it will nat :eafily bee put off; you tray ealily put off the counfels of fuch and filch friends,; but confcience will not eaffly bee put off, it will come with fuch majesty upon the heart of a finner , that there is no gain Paying of it; confcience will not regard the vain íhifts that people have, but fä11 comes in :a command- ing power : Oh keep the authority of confcience , many men and Women, becaufe they cannot ga on freely in the wales of fin, where , confcience and the word_ have much authority over them; therefore they leek to caft off the au- thority of the Word and confcience but know this for a truth, that that foul that hath cal+ off -the authority of the word and confcience, is going apace to Hell, is going apace to deftruo}ion; All the while the word'and.confcience kept thee under, thou wert in fomeforwardnefs towards the way of life, but if thou haft once cast off that, then Oh how cloth the foul grow hardened. in fin ! how eafily are the truths of God rejeaed ! and then it goes with greedinefs -ro fatisfie the tufts of the fiefh", and ;ten choúfand to one but fuck a foul perifhes eternally. oh, if there bee ever a foul inn this place that had the authority of Gods word and con- fcience