on the excellency of the Saul. 333 fcience to bee over them with power, and now through the violence of their luf+s have cat+ it off; Oh let fuch a one take notice of what is faid unto them in the Name of God, .Oh thy foul is going apace to det+rué+ion ; But as for you that begin to feel any authority of the word,or of confcience upon you ,? Oh keep -it;, for this it is that will carry an6. guide thee in the way that will bring to life at the laft. Tenthly, If thou wouldeft have thy foul bee- faved, take heed of finning againft the price of thy foul, againft the blood of the covenant, and againft mercy; take heed_o thefe threethings, take heed of finning again( +'Jefus Chrifi that paid the price, againft the Gofpei,; .that revealed the price of thy foul ; Oh take -heed above all things of turning, the grace of God into,waftonnefs !, let nor the free grace of God revealed in Jefus Chrifi be ; turned to bee a meal:. to harden thy foul in lin,- to think thou.rnayell.take: the more liberty to have the fatisfaaion :of chz, l4a s of the flern, why, becaufe Jefus Chrill came to fave (inners; let. mee fay arc thee, as Peter to Simon lttaguo,, Oh Pray if it b: e poffible that the thoughts of thy -heart maybeforgiven thse,' If thou haft ever had fuch reafonings in thy heart,, why, Jefus Chrifi carne to lave fanners; and the grace ofthe Gofpel, : that is free and full.enough- to, favefouls, though they bee' never fuch great finders, and upon that thou haft taken more liberty; Oh thou had(+ need -,fall down before the Lord, and cry , If it bee poffible that fach a thought of thy heart might bee forgiven thee; if you look into the .Epif +le of rude, you (hall finde a dreadfúl paffage. againft. fuch As turn the grace of God into wanto;enefs; it is made a fign of a Reprobate, and it is as black a brand of a Reprobate as any one, to turn thegrace of God -( and efpecially that ,race. of God' that is in the price that is paid for fouls, to turn that) intowantonnefs is the moll dreadful hinderance of faving of -a foul, that poffi- biy can bee; Oh take heed of finning againft Jefus Chrif+ the great Saviour of fouls, but honour Jefus Chrif+ all the waies you can would you fain have yourfouls faved ? Cürift is the great Saviour of fouls, and y u had need honour him, (KO -t 3 the