__..------------ on the Excellency of the Sonl. P141, r x . the Son left bee bee angry} and love him; you had need love his ordinances, and all his members, and all his people ; you had need give all the reipe6t that may bee to him , be- caufe hee is the onely Saviour of fouls : - -- And for the blood of the Covenant, take heed you fin not againfi that , let it not bee accounted as a common thing; oh do not prize the fatisfying of your own lufis, rather than the blood of th Covenant, and all the good that was purchafed by that blood; when any wretched (inner fhall hear the Gofpe! preached to him, and yet íhall prize the living in any bafe wicked wayof fin, I fay, fuch a one Both trample the blood of the everlafling Covenant under his feet, and the lan- guage of his heart and anions is nothing but this , whatfoe- ver is fpoken concerning the blood of the everlafiing Covenant revealed in the Gofpel, I do prize the fatis- lying the lufis of mine own heart, more than all the good that is in the Covenant; now do you think can fuch a foul, as this bee faved ? now you fin againfi the blood of the Covenant, when you come hand over head to the Sacra- ment, and thereby you come to bee guilty of the body and blood of Jefus Chrifi ; People are mighty carnefi about coming to Sacraments, now do but read t Cor. rz . It is a Scripture which I know you that are acquainted with Scrip- ture, are not unacquainted with, verf. 27. whofoever fl+aü eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily, (haft bee guilty ofthe body and bls,od of the Lord ; And what then, verf. 29. Hee eateth and drin(eth his own damnation, When you would have the Sacrament,as the feal of the blood of Chrift, and yet come in your fin and filthinefs, and do not difcern the Lords body, you come to bee guilty of the blood of.Chrifi, and fo to bee guilty of your own damna- tion ; and fo many think to feal their fouls, by eating and drinking, the damnation of their fouls; for there is nothing fet out in Scripture that furthers more the damnation- of a foul, than to fin againfi the blood of the Covenant : I know fome make that Scripture their damnation to themfelves, that is, that they are onely to bee eproved and condemned for doing