Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

On the Excellency of the Soul. 335 doing fo, but wee are to inlarge Scripture to the utter - mofi that may bee; and teeing the Scripture hath made the fin againfi the blood of Chrifi in other places fo dreadful , wee may very well underhand that place in the molt dread- ful fence that may bee : Now if in cafe you come unworthi- ly, you hear what the Scripture fpeaks, ,it is guiltinefs of the blood of Chrih, and eating and drinking your own fouls damnation : -- And then take heed of finning againft the mercy of God; let not mercy harden you, but let it foften your hearts ; Oh that foul is in a good forwardnefs to bee faved, that every time it thinks of the mercy of God, it findes it felt to melt before the Lord, and mourn bitterly for fin, when as it applies the mercy of God to it fell , I, that is a good evidence; but now when you think or fpeak of Gods mercy, you finde your hearts the more hardened in fin, Oh this is dreadful ! for how can tech a foul be la- ved, that fins againft the mercy and love of Jefus Chrif:i ?for who fhall hear and plead for thy foul before God, when as thou art guilty of the blood of Jefus Chrift ? and what is it that fhall bee thine attonement before the Father ? It muff bee blood; without fheilding of blood there is no remifen of fn : And what blood mull bee for the .remit1ìon of thy fin,. , when as thou trampleti the blood of the Covenant under thy feet ? andwhen thou finnefi againft mercy ? what is it that muaa recover thee, but. the mercy of God, when thou comeíl to God in the anguifh of thy foul ? Now if thy cafe bee thus, that Jefus Chrift fhall plead againft thee., and fay , Oh Father , Father, avenge thy felf upon this wretch, that bath not onely finned againft thy work of Creation, but againft the work of Redemption, that I went into the world to work; Father, let this foul perifh eternal isy, that bath reje;ced mee, and received every bale wretch- ed Tuft before mee now, tlall that foul bee faved that fhall have the blood of the Covenant cry againft ir, and mercy it felt cry to the Lord againft ir, Lord, avenge my caute, for I have been moli abominably and cuffed! y abufed by this wretch? when not onely the Law of Gods Juhice and.