Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

6 On the Excellency' 'of the Soul.' and Saran accufes thee, but Chrifi, and his blood, and the Gofpel it Pelf, how fláall fuch a foul bee faved ? now then if you would have your fouls faved, take heed of ftonitig a-'- gainfl Jefus Chrifl, againft the Gofpel, and againatheblood' of God, add againft the mercy of God. Eleventhly, Ifthoú wouldef have thy foul faved, take heed of finning againft the Spirit of Grace, the good Spirit of God, that mutt draw thee to Chrift, and -guide thee in the way of falv.ation, if ever thou beeit faved.: Now, take heed of fleighting the-motions of Gods Spirit, oh do not Height any motion of the Spirit of God; how doff thou know, but when there conies in any 'motion of Gods Spirit, it comes in to fave thee at time ? thou calif not tell but that at any, time when Gods Spirit doth afïiff his Word, thy foul may depend upon. that tune,'fö as God may fay, had this foul followed on the work at this time, it might have been faved; but upon its not following it on, it flail not bee faved ; doth Gods Spirit begin to move thy foul, when thou: art hearing the Word ? Oh 'do not go into wicked company, and Co lofe all again, but get atone in -thy clofet, and fall down 'even upon thy face , and cry to God, that hee would follow on the work of his Spirit, that hee hath begun in thee : Oh Lord, I lived a long time in a dead- hearted condition, never minding the good of my foul, but thou haft begun to fir mee, and Lord, I hope it is the beginning of thy faxing work upon my' foul ; Oh that thou wouldeft go on with tr. How manyupon their fick-beds and death-beds, would give a thoufand worlds (if they had them) that they could have fuch flirrings of the Spirit of God, as.fomettmes they have felt ? Oh now when the Spi- rit firs, and temptation firs, take heed of l'iflening to temp- tadon, and rejell ing the motions of Gods Spirit, bur think of that that wee read on of the people of Ifrael, when they were going to Canaan, they were very near Canaan , and when they were upon the borders of it, they refuted to go into the Land, when God would have them, and upon that n: so. ? he Lard did fwc4r in hit wrath, that they fhould never eater into