Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

338 on the Excellency of the Soul. fafeft way for falvation ? now, if it bee the fafeft, if youdid but underftand the infinite confequence of the falvation of your fouls , there need bee no other Argument to per - fwade you to any ftri& way of godlinefs, but this ; whatever it bee, whether abfolutely neceffary, or no, I am fure it is the fafefl way; and I am fure there was never yet any upon his fck-bed that did repent him that bee was too Uri& and too precife, but I have known many that have repented them of being toy lode, and too carelefs : Now in a mat- ter that is of great confequence, you will bee lure to take the fafell way : If there bee any people in the world that walk fo as your confciences tell you they are in a more Arid way than orhers, more holy, more clofe to God, more felf- denying, more faithful, it loth concern you to inquire af- ter thofe, and to walk after thofe, and joyn with them ; furely thofe that go on in the falefi way for the falvation of their fouls, thofe I will make a pattern to mee; I will not look what the common courie of the world, and the gene- rality of the world Both ; The Scripture tells us that i here are bur fern char fhall bee faved; And therefore the fewnefs of men fhall never difcourage mee; bee they never fo few ,. be they never fo mean, If I am perfwaded in my con- fcience it is the fafeft way, that is the way that I will walk iii, and furely'it is the way for the foul to have comfort at the great day,when itfhall appear before the great God and our Saviour Jefus Chriíh I befeech you confider of this, if you were all now to appear before Jefus Chrift, to have your e- ternal- elates determined of, in what mens conditions would you with your felves to be in ? if it might bee at your liberty, andChrifl fhould fay,now I am to pafs the fentence of eter- nity upon you for your falvation or damnation; now what kind of mens elates would you with your felves to be in ? who would you rather be like unto ? who would you venture moll upon, to be dealt withal( according as yourconfciences do think they are mold like to bee dealt with ? I am perfwa- ded , if this were the cafe,. moil lode, and prophane, and 'ungodly men, would run and cling unto thofe that now they