Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

On the Excelleatcy of the Soul. 339 they (corn and contemn; unto thofe that walk with the moft ftrici refs and holin fs in their converfacions : Certainly if you woulddo fo t hcn, it is your wifdome to do fo Nom; that which wit bee true then, certainly is true now ; and therefore that is a good way for the helping to fave your fouls, to joyn with thole that walk in the ftriaeft and the holietlwav, to do that now, that if you were to die, you Would With you had doue; and to bee with them now, that if you were to have the fentence'of eternity pall up-in you, you would with you had been withal!. But this !hall full-ice for what is to bee faid concerning that Brea: Queftion, about the preventing the lofs of our fouls, and what wee should do to bee faved : -- Now for the conclufion ; you have heard divers things already , about the way, and direction for the faving of fouls ; I fuppofe when firft the Queftion was raifed, every one of you would bee greedy to hear an anfwer ; There was never a one in this place but would fain have his foul Paved eternally; what do you mean to do now ? what are your thoughts ? there hath been a quettion, and I have indeavoured in the Name of God to anfwer it ; Now this is that that I delve of you even before you fleep, get into the prefence of God alone , and give in your an- fwer to God, what you mean to do, are you refolved upon it ? will you ingage your fouls now to God ( this evening) that that little time that hee will let you live in this world , that your indeavours (hall bee according to thofe particu- lars that have been opened unto you ? Oh bleffed bee God if this bee but in any one foul : but can any one think that among fuch a multitude as this is, but that the Lord would bee pleafed to dart- force thing oc other into one or more. Let mee conclude at this time, as the fervant of Nauman faid to him, when the Prophet gave him direaion what hee íhould do to bee cleanfed, hee began to bee angry , and was loath to do what the Prophet bid him; why ( faith his fer- vant to him) My Father, If the Prophet had bid thee do fonce great thing, wouldefi thou not have done it ? how much ra- ther then when hee faith to thee, wafh and bee clean ? So 1 fay V v 2 to