Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

3.40. on the zxcelleney of the Soul. to you; confidering what the worth of your fouls is, and the danger there is of your eternal mifcarrying how if God fhould have faid this , That fo your fouls may bee faved, I require of every one of you that you fhould for forty, fifty years lie as a head -block at the fire burning; I, and if God fhould have faid thus unto us from Heaven, wee had all caufe to have fallen upon our faces, and have, blefed God for his mercy towards us; but now God doth not require any fuch thing as this at your hands, but requires the abandon- ing of your lufs, and the attending upon him in his Ordi, nances; and hee requires the keeping of your fouls under his Word and Confcience, and the ,following of the motions of his Spirit, and the beleeving in his Son; fuch things as . thefe the Lord requires, upon which your fouls may eternally bee faved; and -will not you accept ? well, that foul that God intends to fave, hee will perfwade, and the Lord per - fwade your fouls in thefe things, that fo you may bee faved in the day of our Lord Jefus Chrift., P;i<', í': .023i"