34t P.!41'i-IA6.?6AAe4eA4a. atlta ö ct1r th7 cCr? ztlrz cVla ctlta L+ys cita tt1rJ ctlta ct1la .* 7e i % :J a :<vrue- , z;, fiVfifififinVMV 4râ' : ifiVII The Tenth BERNION ON The Excellency ®f the Sod: Matthew 16. 26. For what is a man profited if hee gall gain the whole. world, and lofe his own fool ? Ow then having done with that point , we are to come to the laa thing ; That as the lofs is great , as in all the refpeáts T opened, fo it is fuch, that fuppofe a man to have gained the whole world in a way of the lofs of his foul, yet that gain will never recompence it; 30b 27.8. For zrhat is the hope of the hypocrite, though hee bathgained, when God takes away his foul ? There are fome men that feek the world, and yet lofe both the world and their fouls,they neither gain the world, nor their own fouls; and fome there are that z do gain the world and their fouls both But there is no necefiary connexion be- tween either gaining the world, or lofing ones foul, orlo- ling the world, and gaining the foul, but one may bee fe- vered from the other. Vv3 But