ä on the Excellency of the Soul. But fuppofe God should let a man gain what bee will (though many men feek for gain by finful w.iies, and God crones them in it, they have not their gain, and yet they are damned eternally for feeking gain ) but fuppofe a man had gotten all the world, as hèe would defire, and yet this man wicked and lofing his foul, hee is a molt miferable man: Now this is the thing that I have to do, to flew unto you what a poor gain a man hath that is wicked, though hee hath got the world, when hee hath tali up ail his reckon *íis, it may bee laid of him, as wee ufually fay of men that have got little, They may put all their gain in their eye, and ne- ver fee the worfe : So certainly, if thou haft fought after gain in this world, in fuch a way as thou hall not provided for thine own foul, when thou cornea to fumme tip all thine accounts, thou wilt fee that very little is got : There are many waies whereby a man may come to fee all the glory in the world to bee but darknefs : By feeing the glory of God, the glory of Chrifi, and the infinite confequence of an eternal eftate; thofe three things make the fpirirual man to look upon all the glittering vanities of this world, but as meet darknefs, and as nothing : --- But now there bee three ether things that may help a natural man to fee the things of the world to bee as nothing, and the gains of it to bee very poor gain , (I mean one that is not fanflified, that bath no grace.) The fiat is, If God do but pleafe to wound his confci- ence, and terrifie him, hee will fee all things to bee poor things indeed. Or fecondly, When .God .laic§ his hand upon him krt ac: fii&ing of hinny, upon hisdiisk -bed, or upon his death-bed: It is reported of Mafcudrsa, that when bee lay upon his death- bed, and his friends coming about him, and feeing what a poor condition bee was in, that had been an eminent wor- thy Inftrument of God, and an excellent Preacher in his time, and they mourning for the fad condition they law him to bee in, O quid fumnc ? fay they; as bee lay in his bed bee over -heard them, Furur, laid bee; that is, O wha