34S on the Excellency of the Soul. flee hath gotten nothing for his foul that is above it : Thefe are things beneath and under the foul : what good would it bee for a fouldier , if bee have. gilt his fcabbard, but- hee bath a broken rut; fword within, or but a wooden fword within ? Therefore I finde in Scripture that the bodies of men and women. are called the .(heath of their fouls, Dan. 7.1 5. I vaniel was grieved in my fpirit, in the midsh of my body. So it is in your books, tranflated, but thofe that un- dertland the - Original .Text, they know it is a-word that fig - nifies a/heath, and fo Arius Montanus turns it, and like- wife in your Margents, in the midi+ of his fheath; and by comparing this Scripture with another, it is plain, that that is the propriety of the word, i Chron. 21. 27. Where the Text faith, The Lord commanded Angel, and hee put up his finerel again into the Pork thereof. Now the word that is here.tranflated sheath, I finde by comparing of them toge . ther,that it is the very fame word in the Original that Daniel tranflates body ; for the body is but as the (heath unto the foul, and what will it gain a fouldier to have a brave sheath, and in the mean time have nothing within- it , or that that is of no ufe at all ? thus it with many, they feek great things for their bodies, but their fouls are left in the mean time without any fuccour or help, and in -a moltmiferable ,condi- tion; all things that are in the world fhould bee fervants to thy foul, for they are, all inferiour CO it. Wee account it a great dilonour. to a man to marry his fervant; a man of e- !late in the world, if wee hear hee bath married his fervant, which is very mean, wee account it a di(honour : Now for thy heart to mingle it felf with the things of this world , as its chiefeftgood, what dolt, thou but marry thy foul to that which (hould bee thy fervant ? for all thofe things are but -as fervants.tothefoul; and for the heart of a man to bee fet upon the things of -this world, it is to have the curte of Cham to bee upon him; A fervant of fervants (halt thou bee; for the things of the world they fhould bee thy- fervants,- and thou=art their fervant, and fo a fervant of fervants; the curie Cham is upon thee, when -thou art a,Llave to thy.ellace, or thy.