ego on the Excellency of the Soul. reafon that Gods own dear fervants íhould have fo little of the world, and o_hers fo much, it is, that hee might hold this forth to all the world, that the things of this world have but little in them. Fifthly, And confider but the next Argument which fob lows upon this, and is of a near kin to ir, That all the things of this world, the pleafures, profits, honours, they furely have no great matter in them, for they are no more than may Eland with Gods eternal hatred of his creature. Now cer- tainly, thofe things that have no higher excellency in them than may hand with the eternal haired of the Infinite God, certainly they have no great excellency in them; thofe things that Reprobates may have, furely have no great mat- ters in them, that that you give to your Swine, you make no great matter of it; take all the things of the world, they are no more than God gives to Swine, than God gives to Re- probates, than God gives to fuck as hee Both eternally hate; I remember that Luther bath fuch an exprellion as this of the Torktfh Empire; It is but a crum that the great Mailer of the family calls to his Dogg : Now if all the Yurkifh Empire be no more than a bit of bread that you would call to your Dogg, then what is your eflate? The Lord who is fo infi- nitely rich in mercy, hee can afford fuch bones for Doggs as thefe are, furely there is no great matters in thefe things that Reprobates may have as well as children therefore you that are poor people ( and yet godly) that want thefe things, do you quiet your hearts, what though you have not fuch an efiate as others ? Oh do not murmure l why, it is no great matter you want, you want but that that God gives to Reprobates ; Suppofe a man gains the world, if hee lofe his foul, what gets hee? hee gets a bone that Doggs have, for the lots of his foul. Sixthly, Take this Argument , That the things of this world, they have no reality in them at all, no real good in them, according to the language of Scripture, what are the things of the world divided into ? take the divifion that you had before of St. John, The lift of theflefh, the lu/l of the eyes, And