Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

On the Excellency of the soul. 3 53 and fine elates, but they never have the Sun -thine of the blefíing of God upon anything they have; yea'that that they have in a way of fin, they have it with a curfe of God to- gether with it : That that wicked men feed upon, it 7s but fwill, and like Hoggs -meat that is wrapt up in the dirt ; their meat is filthy and flìnking it felf, but when it is wrapt up in dirt, then it is worfe, and fo their=eflates; the, Scripture calls M1 in the world but as "doggs -meat, and it is wrapt up in their fin, and the curie of God is upon it-. Suppofe that that thou doell feed upon had no curie of God upon it, yet it is but as a peece of carrion , but now it is wrapt up in thy fin , and fo long as thou goefl on in thy fin, the curie of God is upon it : But now, the good of all the things in the world conufls in this , the communication of Gods goodnefs towards mee in them, and Chrifts ble(ling of them to draw my heart nearer to God, and to bee inaru- mental for mee the better to ferve God; but Oh hew few men do knowwherein the true chief good of thefe things dotk confitl : I have more of the things of the world than others have, I, but wherein am I morerhappy ? wherein ? Oh ! I fee God letting out of himfelf to me in the way of his good - nefs, and hee gives mee this to do him more fervice than others that are poor ; Oh, if thou couldefl fay" thus , this were a. fign of a gracious heart indeed. A man that lofes his foul, and gets -the world, hee vets dogs -meat wrapt up in dirt and filth. Oh poor price for an immortal foul I Ninthly, And thenbefides, wee mull thew you fome- what about the uncertainty of all thefe things, Charge thofe that are rich in the world, that they trui not in uncertam i Tîaa.'6r. riches. The whole world is asit were upon a wheel ; the Scripture faith, that the tongue Pets on fire the whole courfe of nature, it is in the Original, the wheel of nature; all thefe things are turning up and down, as it were in a wheel; you have heard of the wheel of him- who was a great King,and having overcome others let them to draw his Chárriotibut heobferving of them as they drew hisCharriot, Yy took