Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

354 04 the Excellency of the Soul. took notice how they continually . look'd back unto the wheel, and asking them what the reafon was, why fay they, wee by this fee the turning of the things of this world, the nail that is now on the top, is by and by on the bottom, wee . were high enough within a while, but now are low enough ; and the confideration of this did abate the pride of that great; Prince that 'node four Kings to draw his Charriot So it is,buz a wheel of nature, and wilt thou venture thy foul for thefe things that have no certainty in them ? I re-: member Philip de Comine: reports of a Duke of Exeter, which married one of the Kings of Englands Sifters, and yet lee faith, that beewas feen in the Low-Couz ie$ begging his bread bare-foot; Qh,therefor.e would a man venture the lots of this foul for, the gaining of thefe things that are fo fading and pafï'ua .away! All fie&, is grafs , and as the flower of the field, it pates away, and comes to nothing; yeä.at thofe,times,wláen wee have moll ufe of the things 04l r klds- 1,t y. t e fC ®ln us,as. Jbfaiarn when he' ohetree, and hadrthe noa nie of his Mule, his Mule left him, and leaves him hanging by the hair of the head; fo worldly things are moif out of the way, when you have the molt need, of them; and will a man venturethe,l.ofs of his foul for the gaining of thefe, rings -that Nita leav you when you have the mot need, of, 0ems.wben, you _lye upon your fici -bed and death-bed,:. what, good will- it do you to think that I wore fine cloaths,, and I had fo much riches coming in yearly : Riches a- vail scot in the day ofwrath ; but Righteoufnefs, that delivers fro t death,._: All thefe things are but fading, and will fail a,inan, whenhee bath the moR need of them. I remem- bgi our Chronicles tell a ftrange {tory of Richard the ePird,King of England , and you that have them, it is worth your reading ; I do not know that ever I read of a more magnificent Coronation for a King, than of his, fet out in abundance ofglory, bee had one Earl that bare before him his Crown, and fóur Earls carrying four fwords before him, one a (word of Rate, and another without a point, to be- token