, the Excellexay. ef the .Send. token mercy.," and two ,litteringSwo'rds, one in refpe,t of the Temporally, and the other in refpei of the,Cle gy, and four Barons bearing a Canopy over his head, and himfelf iii a long Purple Velvet Robe, and his Queen in all her Pomp and State ;himfelf had a Duke to bear up his Train, and his Queen Thee had a Countefs to bear up hers, and divers o- ther particulars that knight be fhewn to fet out the grea- tefc pomp and glary 'alrnod that could' bee conceived for a man to . bee in; but behold the revolution of things, within forne two years and a little more after this , this glorious Prince was -íláin, and his body lying naked to the view of all , and carried ,on a "Horfe with his hands and head hanging' down on the' one fide, and his heels on the other , as Butchers carry Swine or Calves and fo hee was carried to Leicefter , .and there lay divers daies above ground naked and contemptible and the very none in which his body was laid was afterwards made ufe of to bee a Trough for Hodes to drink at, at a .common Inne ; fuch hatred did they fhew fo him, which -a while before was in fuch a glo ions condi- tion : Thus wee fee that thefe things which are here, will not hold long, and for one to feek to make his red in thefe ,things, is, as if a bird fhould build her neff in a little birth that is floating up and down in the Sea; thefe things will carry you .a little - way , but not far ; Wee have all to provide for eternity. If "a man had a Voyage to the Indies , and hee fhould provide a little Boat that fhould carry him from wefmintier to the Bridge , it were a poor provifion ; fo when wee pro- vide for outward comforts , and no more, wee little think of the great + Voyage that Wee have to go wee have all of us to fail to eternity, and what is a Boat of thefe outward - comforts to carry us that long Voy- age ? The things of this world may well bee compa- red to a- Tree in the time of "a florin ; when you ate travelling in the way it' begins 'to rain,' and you ride under an "Oak or an -:Elm -Tree ; NOW if there falls Y y I but